Daniel Nevins CFA's Contributions

Dan Nevins on Why You Shouldn’t Get Too Bearish

Sep 4 – Dan Nevins explains why he believes the yield curve inversion isn’t a reliable recessionary signal. He discusses his thin air spending indicator and what it’s showing in terms of...

Doing Whatever It Takes

Apr 6 – FS Insider interviews Daniel Nevins at Nevins Research to discuss a paper just released by a team of Wall Street economists and leading academics concluding that QE didn’t work and how Nevins explains, this only means...

Inflation Spike at Current Valuations Could Be Ugly, Says Nevins

Nov 9 – Daniel Nevins, the author of the must-read book Economics for Independent Thinkers and the Founder of Nevins Research, discusses the substitution story surrounding Fed monetary policy and how inflation spikes are a key factor...

Why Mainstream Economists Can’t Predict Downturns

Sep 1 – FS Insider interviews Daniel Nevins on his new book, Economics for Independent Thinkers, which explains where modern economics went wrong with so-called “equilibrium theory” and a number of other fatal assumptions that have...

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