Dr. Peter Vincent Pry on the Existential Threat of EMP’s and Chris Puplava’s Economic Outlook

In a special edition of the Big Picture, we reprise two recent programs from FS Insider. The first segment features Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director of the Congressional EMP Commission and author of the 2015 book Blackout Wars. “An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is perhaps the greatest existential threat to North America and modern electronic civilization everywhere,” says Dr. Pry. In this podcast, he explains everything you want to know about EMPs—the two main ways in which they’re caused, why they’re so dangerous, what governments and individuals can do to prepare, and why we are overdue for a major one coming from the sun. In the next segment of the Big Picture, Chris Puplava, PFS Group’s Chief Investment Officer, offers a detailed outlook of the US economy and explains why, if current trends continue, there are growing signs for a major market top this year and a possible US recession in 2017. These interviews are samples of the quality programming available to subscribers of FS Insider, timely market wisdom from the experts.

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