Alex Daley's Blog

Senior Editor
info [at] caseyresearch [dot] com ()

Alex Daley is the senior editor of Casey’s Extraordinary Technology. In his varied career, he’s worked as a senior research executive, a software developer, project manager, senior IT executive, and technology marketer.

He’s an industry insider of the highest order, having been involved in numerous startups as an advisor to venture capital companies. He’s a trusted advisor to the CEOs and strategic planners of some of the world’s largest tech companies. And he’s a successful angel investor in his own right, with a long history of spectacular investment successes.

FDIC Loses $25 Billion in One Year

With talk of quantitative easing round 2 (or QE2 for short), the potential government bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and mounting problems with state finances, government pension funds, and funding for social programs all coming to a boil ahead of this election season, one thing seems to be abundantly clear: there is much more federal spending still to come. Hundreds of billions more.

We Cannot Afford to Double Dip

Talk of a double-dip recession is seemingly increasing these days. Home sales have dropped like a brick since the end of the special tax breaks for buyers. Weekly job reports are showing much larger rises in unemployment claims than previously expected by whoever it is that decides what exactly is expected...

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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