Chris Martenson PhD's Contributions

How to Position Yourself for the Future: Step 1 - Financial Security

The financial steps investors should undertake right now to manage future risks

Gordon Chang: The Reasons For China's Imminent Bust

The Global Narrative on China is Wrong

China will suffer a hard economic landing soon, disrupting many of the expectations the West is depending on

The Real Contagion Risk

How Europe's Credit Contagion Will Spread to the US Treasury Market

Around here we like to track things from the outside in, as the initial movements at the periphery tend to give us an early warning of when things might go wrong at the center. It is always the marginal country, weakest stock in a sector, or fringe population that gives us the early warning that trouble is afoot.

Occupy Wall Street: What’s Really Going On

On Friday, October 7th, a beautiful blue-sky and warm-ish October day, I went to Zuccotti Park in NYC with Livio Sanchez (film editor) and Debby Brand (camera operator) to see firsthand what Occupy Wall Street was all about and record what we could.

Big Trouble Brewing

The Probability of A Near-Term Market Crash Is Growing Uncomfortably High

I do not toss around the idea of a market crash lightly. If you've been following me long enough, you know that only in very rare instances do I issue a cautionary Alert (I've only issued four since my website launched in 2008), and I am generally not given to hyperbole.

The Economy Is on The Ropes and Going Down

We are down to the wire in terms of time to prepare

The world that Europe, the US and Japan are desperately trying to sustain is no longer possible in a world of too much debt and too expensive energy.

Commodities Look Set to Rocket Higher

The Deflationists Are Wrong

I've been asked to comment on the work of a few noted deflationists who are calling for a top in commodity prices here. Their argument is pretty clear cut: Because inflation is a function of available money plus credit (their definition), and because credit has fallen, deflation is what comes next.

Joel Salatin: How to Prepare for the Localized Future

Reality is going to force us to take more personal responsibility in our ecological lifestyle decisions

Charles Hugh Smith: Why Local Enterprise Is the Solution

Develop local income streams

Prosper by removing your capital from the Wall Street machine

Gold Surging: Buy Mining Stocks?

Not So Fast, Says Frank Barbera

Mining stocks are likely to get caught in the overall market downdraft before they reverse and realize their true potential.

Debt Ceiling Dilemma: The Foul Choice Facing Investors

Money is trapped

Bernanke has engineered an ugly choice between guaranteed losses via negative real compounding and taking on imprudent investment risk.

David Morgan on Silver Price Manipulation, Delivery Default and Supply Shortage Risks

Yes, prices are manipulated and there's much less bullion underlying the traded market than participants realize.

James Turk: Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat Currency Graveyard

Money printing will resume after a short pause, sending gold and silver prices much higher this summer.

Eric Sprott - Paper Markets Are A Joke: Prepare for Bullion Prices to Go Supernova

The future likely holds a default where debts that cannot be repaid must be expunged. Seek assets which will not be affected by that.

The Screaming Fundamentals for Owning Gold and Silver

Both are going much higher, for different reasons

Large gains remain, especially if monetary, fiscal, and fundamental supply-and-demand trends remain in play

Death By Debt

Expect more thin-air money printing

There are no historical examples of any country ever digging itself out from so deep a hole, and yet we find that the entire developed world has bravely pushed itself deep into unknown territory

The Dangers of Fukushima Are Worse and Longer-lived Than We Think

Interview with Arnie Gundersen

It will be years before true containment. Health risks still posed by the situation there and what individuals should do (including those on the US west coast) if it worsens.

Why Time Is Short Now That We're Past Peak Oil

The only thing that could prevent another oil shock from happening before the end of 2012 would be another major economic contraction

Why Growth is Dead

Time to Prepare for the Coming Rout

We're at the beginning of a very long period of treacherous economic and financial disruption.

Simon Black: The Most Sound Opportunities Are Outside the Western World

A discussion of Simon's strategy for finding places that have the most solid fundamentals and the best growth potential

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