Nick Barisheff's Contributions

Nick Barisheff: How Much Gold Should You Own in Your Portfolio?

Feb 5 – Jim welcomes back Nick Barisheff, CEO for Bullion Management Group Inc. Nick looks at the issue of how much gold should be in one’s overall portfolio, as well as the role of gold as a hedge. Nick also discusses why diversification...

Nick Barisheff: Gold Heading Higher By Year End

Nov 15 – Jim welcomes Nick Barisheff, CEO at Bullion Management Group. Nick sees gold moving higher by the end of the year, as Germany begins repatriating gold, and central banks have leased out massive amounts of gold, which...

Nick Barisheff: The Financial Backdrop for Gold Has Never Been This Good

Sep 12 – Nick Barisheff, CEO at the Bullion Management Group, joins Jim to discuss the gold markets. Nick believes the financial backdrop for gold has never been better. He notes that many central banks have now turned into major buyers of gold...

Allocated Bullion Storage: Do You Really Own the Bullion?

Worldwide economic uncertainty has created a growing interest in precious metals as a way to preserve wealth. Today, global risks for investors include currency devaluation, sovereign debt defaults, bond market collapses and stock market losses, all underpinned by ever-increasing government debt.

Nick Barisheff: Catalysts for the Next Launch in Gold Prices−Still an Unknown

Jul 11 – Jim welcomes back Nick Barisheff, CEO for Bullion Management Group Inc. Nick discusses "the truth about banks raiding bullion accounts," and the misperceptions of allocated and unallocated gold accounts. Nick also says the catalysts for...

Has Gold Hit Bottom, and What Will Drive it to $10,000?

The macro-economic conditions that have supported gold’s bull run over the past decade have not changed; in fact, they’ve become progressively worse. This is the calm before the storm, and the intra-day low of US$1,535 an ounce two weeks ago may well have been a bottom.

Gold Outlook 2012

I’d like to focus on one important idea: the direct relationship between the rising price of gold and the rising levels of government debt that result in currency debasement. Since we measure investment performance in currencies a clear understanding of the outlook for currencies is critical.

Is Gold a Bad Investment?

Numerous commentaries in the media, both on television and in print, would have us believe that gold is a bad investment. Headlines warning investors to avoid the yellow metal are commonplace. Examples such as “Five reasons not to own gold”, “Gold is in a bubble”, “Gold as an investment - think again”, “Gold is a bad hedge”, “Gold is a pointless rock,” and “Why gold is a bad investment” can be found with a simple Google search on gold and investment.

Outlook 2011

Three Dominant Factors Will Impact Precious Metals in 2011

As we near the end of the first quarter of 2011, the potential for a widening of the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East has pushed oil prices past the $100 mark. Long before the riots began, commodity prices had risen to uncomfortable levels, having soared over 30 percent in a matter of months.

A Look Back at 2010

Precious Metals Prices Climb as Confidence in Currencies Wanes

Two years ago, in our Annual Report, we correctly predicted that 2009 would be the year of print-and-spend; that gold prices would soar; that government response to mounting debt would increase currency risk; and that inflation, not deflation, was an issue because the US Federal Reserve has an unlimited ability for currency creation. Over the past year, conditions have deteriorated as these events continued to play out, and once again precious metals prices were the beneficiaries.

Gold Outlook 2011

Irreversible upward pressures and the China effect

Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to return to the Empire Club to discuss the outlook for gold and precious metals in 2011. I know this may appear to some to be an enviable job—getting to speak about the one asset class that seems to continually out-perform all others year after year—but it is a double edged sword.

The New Gold Rush

As confidence in global currencies wanes, the world's appetite for gold will increase.

How to Protect Your Portfolio From the Economic Insanity

Investors should be gravely concerned about the future of their portfolios, according to a newly released report from Bullion Management Group Inc (BMG). The reason? Because today’s fiscal and monetary policies have set the stage for a wrenching period of currency devaluation, portfolio destruction and potentially devastating inflation.

Gold vs Bonds

Most investors have a deep-seated belief that bonds are a safe investment while gold is risky and volatile. If we explore this belief with an open mind, however, we will find that gold, not bonds, offers vastly superior wealth protection.

Why Bullion Is Outperforming Mining Stocks

But it doesn’t have to be an either/or decision

If the investment choice is between mining stocks and physical bullion, it is essential to remember that these are different asset classes with entirely different risk/reward attributes. Mining stocks and bullion perform quite differently when the global economic environment is in turmoil, as is the case today. Banking crises, trillion-dollar deficits and the accelerating depreciation of many of the world’s major currencies do not create positive conditions for equity markets, which is why investors are fleeing to the safety of physical bullion.

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