Doomberg on Unfolding Diesel, Heating Oil Crisis in the US; Peak Dollar?

November 11, 2022 – After this week's wrap-up with Ryan Puplava, Financial Sense Newshour speaks with David Keller, Chief Market Strategist at, about the massive rally in the stock market this week and where he thinks things are headed from here. Next, Jim Puplava interviews the popular financial commentator, writer, and analyst Doomberg (see Doomberg's list of articles on Substack) about the brewing diesel and heating oil crisis in the United States, its potential impacts, and the events that led up to this point. Lastly, Chris Puplava joins us for another Smart Macro segment and says we are likely looking at a peak in the dollar and the potential implications this may have (for more info, charts, and analysis on this, see our most recent weekly investment video: Weekly Update: Analysts and Investors Still Shunning Top-Performing Energy Sector | Financial Sense).

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