A New Cold War to Be Fought With Trade, Currencies and Technology, Says Louis Gave

July 5, 2019 – We hope you'll be listening to this holiday weekend edition of the Financial Sense Newshour between rounds of hotdogs and hamburgers while enjoying time outside with friends and family. In Ryan Puplava's market wrap-up, he discusses two major catalysts this week, jobs report data, trade negotiations from last weekend's G20 summit and falling PMIs. Then in his technical analysis, Ryan rolls through various trends in stocks, falling treasury yields and the rise of gold. In the second half of the show, you'll hear an exclusive excerpt from Jim Puplavas' interview with Louis Gave on his recent book, A Clash of Empires: Currencies and Power in a Multipolar World. He explains the deeper implications of the trade war and describes a new Cold War fought with trade, currencies and technology. Tune in to find out how this could transform the investment landscape. Be sure to listen to FS Insider on Tuesday afternoon to hear the second half of Jim's interview with Louis Gave.

Listen to part two here

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