Clif Droke's Blog

Market Analyst
clif [at] clifdroke [dot] com ()

Clif Droke is the editor of the 3-times weekly Momentum Strategies Report which covers U.S. equities and forecasts individual stocks, short- and intermediate-term, using unique proprietary analytical methods and securities lending analysis.He is also the author of numerous books, including most recently "Turnaround Trading & Investing."

Home of the infamous Durban Roodepoort Deep (DROOY/RGLD/MDG/XAU/HUI) report. Published online every trading day. Aimed at serious day & short-term traders of Durban Deep & followers of the XAU & HUI index. Posted online each evening by 9pm EST.

The Great Middle Class Revolt Gets Bigger

With the US presidential election now behind us, many investors feel they can finally breathe easy again after a nail-biting period of uncertainty since last year. The rally in the major equity market indices since Nov. 9 has been in...

Will Real Estate Tank in 2017?

In many ways, 2016 has been a banner year for US real estate. Housing prices continued to strengthen in several major metropolitan markets and even reached frothy proportions in at least three major markets.

US Economy at Major Long-Term Pivotal Point

As the dust settles from the US presidential election, multitudes of political analysts and news commentators continue to scratch their heads wondering “what went wrong?” The collective question they’re asking, of course, is in reference...

What Investors Can Expect From the Trump Revolution

They’re calling it the Great Revolution, and rightfully so. Donald Trump’s earth-shattering victory over Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 must surely rate as one of the greatest political upsets in U.S. history. It stretches the mind to recall the last time a true political outsider...

The Next Big Catalyst for Stocks/Commodities

We’re about to enter that time when financial commentators offer up their best guesses as to what investors can expect in the Near Year. It always makes for fun reading, but it also never fails to disappoint.

America’s 50-Pound Ball and Chain

America’s economic condition is truly a “tale of two cities.” Upper middle class and wealthy earners have never been more flush thanks in large part to the record liquidity creation of the last eight years as well as to their financial market exposure.

Will the Bull Market Remain Intact in 2017?

The question confronting investors right now is whether the lateral trading range in the major indices represents consolidation of the long-term uptrend, which precedes an eventual upside breakout from the range?

Will Deutsche Bank Collapse the Global Market?

The past year has seen its fair share of worries. From the China slowdown to the Brexit, successive waves of overseas fear have rolled onto our shores since 2015, yet none of them were the Tsunamis the bears had predicted.

Can Stocks Survive Without Stimulus?

A fiery debate rages among investors over the question of central bank stimulus. The question is whether the stock market needs stimulus in order to advance, and is stimulus only creating a bubble which will burst at some point and...

Why the US Benefits From Global Financial Crisis

Let’s turn our attention to the global economy. Last week the Bank of England said it would buy 60 billion pounds of government debt in order to cushion the economy against the impact of the recent Brexit vote. England and the European...

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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